Wednesday 2 March 2011

First Post!

Hi there! My name is Emma, aka Spelk, and I've decided to try out having a blog! This blog will consist of daylog, just what I'm getting up to, but mostly of stuff I've learnt. So, stuff on the Gospel of John, and other things I can find will pop up here, hopefully someone will like it, but even if they don't it will be useful for me!
You see, I love studying the Bible and learning about Jesus and Christian theology. I have been a Christian since 1998-ish, when I was 17 and studying the Bible properly for the first time (I was studying John). I went on from there to study for an undergraduate MA in Divinity from Edinburgh University where I learned many interesting things and confirmed the liberal side of my thinking, although I am not quite so liberal as those I was taught from. I simply cannot see condemnation of homosexuals or restriction of women in God's plan, and see them only lightly in the Bible, not in a for-all-time sort of way. Context is everything! Anyway, I hope this is useful to some, or none.